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Workflow Templates and Contexts

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The table below lists the available workflow templates and their contexts.

Templates are context-sensitive.

Workflow Templates and Contexts









Blank template

Basic - Get Feature from Results



Access information from the Feature Context input.

Feature - Buffer Feature Geometry



This workflow uses the feature as an input source.

It buffers the feature by the distance configured in the Display Form and draws a graphic on the map.

Feature - Edit Feature Attributes



This workflow allows the end user to edit a feature from the layer that the workflow was created for.

To use the workflow, the end user selects a feature on the appropriate layer and then runs the workflow. The workflow displays the feature's attributes in a form with editable fields. The user edits one or more values and then clicks "Submit" to submit the changes.

Note - If your resources make use of VertiGIS Studio Access Control, this may have affected the content of this workflow. If a field on the corresponding layer exists, but the user who created this workflow does not have access to it, the field will not have been added to the Edit form. If a field is marked as non-editable according to Access Control rules, then the field will have been marked as non-editable in the form, and attempting to edit the field will fail.

Feature - Get Feature Attributes



This workflow uses the feature as an input source.

It displays all of the feature's attributes in a Display Form.

Feature - Get Related Records



This workflow uses the feature as an input source.

The feature's related records are displayed to the user in a Display Form. If a feature has no related records, a Display Form is shown indicating there are no related records.

This workflow makes use of the For Each activity to loop over the related records. 

Feature - Reverse Geocode



This workflow uses the feature as an input source.

It locates the address of the feature by using the Reverse Geocode activity, showing the results in a Display Form.

This workflow makes use of the Try Catch activity. First, it tries to treat the feature's geometry as a point, falling back to an extent based geometry. Double click on the activity and select 'Try' or 'Catch' to see more.

Features(s) - Loop Through Features



This workflow uses features as an input source.

If launched with a single feature, it will show a Display Form with the properties of that feature.

If launched with a collection of features, it will show a Display Form for each feature in the collection.

Menu - Buffer Identify


This workflow identifies features from a selected layer and within a buffered distance.

The user selects a point and configures the buffered distance.

The user selects an available layer to perform the identify on.

Results from the selected layer, and within the buffered distance, are then displayed in the Results List.

Menu - Cascading Drop Down


Contains two dropdowns. When a state is selected from the first dropdown, the list of counties will be available in the second dropdown. This workflow can be modified to use different data sets.

Menu - Draw on Map


Use the dropdown menu to select a Geometry Type for sketching on the map.

Menu - Form


Collects basic information (activity name, user name, and map extent) about the application and shows a form to the end user.

Menu - Get Position


This workflow gets the user's current position (if it's available).

The user's approximate address is located using the Reverse Geocode activity.

Position information and address are displayed to the user in a Display Form.

Menu - Manage Attachments


This workflow demonstrates how a features attributes can be accessed, updated or deleted.

The user selects a layer, and the current extent is used to query and return the features with top 10 OBJECTIDs.

These features can be selected to view, update or delete attachments. Upon selecting a feature, if attachments cannot be accessed, the user is alerted. 

Menu - Address Lookup


This workflow takes an address as input, using geocoding to determine it's location.

The location is panned to, and a point is drawn on the map.

If no Candidate Address can be determined, an alert is shown.

Menu - Quick Query





Use a feature source and an SQL WHERE clause to query the geodata.

Menu - Route Between Points


Draws a route on the map between two or more points.

Menu - Search by Attribute


This workflow allows the user to query data by selecting the layer, attribute and the value.

All results are shown in the Results List.

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