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Log Activity

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The Log activity logs a message in the application's logging system or console.

If you are running an application in a web browser (VertiGIS Studio Web, ArcGIS Experience Builder, ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, or Geocortex Viewer for HTML5), the message appears in the web browser's console output.

If you are running VertiGIS Studio Mobile or VertiGIS Studio Desktop for ArcGIS Pro, the logs are displayed in the application's log viewer console.

If you are running Workflow Server, the logs are stored on the server. For information on how to retrieve the logs, refer to Retrieving the logs from a Server Workflow.

The web browser's console uses a JavaScript runtime.

The console in VertiGIS Studio Mobile and VertiGIS Studio Desktop for ArcGIS Pro uses a .NET runtime, which uses a different syntax than a JavaScript runtime and may provide a different level of detail.


This activity can be used to provide invaluable feedback when authoring workflows. It is also useful in production deployments of workflow to keep track of the success or failure of different parts of the workflow.




Type: any

The message to log.



Type: "error" | "warning" | "log" | "info" | "debug"

The log level to log this message at. The default is "log".

The message will only be logged if this level is greater than or equal to the workflow log level.

Workflow log levels in decreasing rank are: "error", "warning", "log", "info", and "debug".

The workflow log level can be read and set using the Get Log Level and Set Log Level activities.


This activity has no outputs.


For information about the ID, Display Name, and Description properties, see Properties Common to all Activities.

Connectivity Requirements

This activity works when the device has intermittent connectivity to the network.

Version Information

Supported from: Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 2.9, ArcGIS Web AppBuilder 2.4.

See also...

Use the Console to Debug Workflows

Retrieving the logs from a Server Workflow

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