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Create Map Display

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To create a map display,you must have Publisher rights for Portal for ArcGIS (Esri Portal User Role User, Publisher or Administrator).

To create and publish a map display:

1.Open map display list via ArcGIS Pro > VertiGIS Projects > Map Displays.

2.Click Create. The creation mode starts. The pane changes to the attribute mask.

3.Enter the Item Details.
In the tab Item Details the various properties of a map display are defined. Name, description (summary) and tags are mandatory fields. The button Share becomes active as soon as all mandatory fields are filled. Optionally a Topic can be defined. The map displays are shown based on this topic in the Map Display Gallery and in the Map Display pane.
Optionally, the Portal for ArcGIS sharing settings can be defined. If no sharing settings are made, the map display is shared with the creator only (owner).


Note the compatibility of the sharing setting of map displays and the map display components included in it. The compatibility of the sharing settings can be analyzed with the button Analyze. If there is a conflict, a corresponding warning is issued. However, the map display can be published despite compatibility conflict. The sharing setting of a map display defines the minimum sharing setting of the map display components it contains.

Sharing setting Map Display

Sharing setting Map Display Components

Everyone (Public)

Everyone (Public)


Enterprise / Everyone

Owner + Group1

Owner + Group1 / Enterprise / Everyone

Owner + Group1 + Group2

Owner + Group1 + Group2 / Enterprise / Everyone


If the map display is shared despite a compatibility conflict, it can lead to different displays depending on the permissions of the current user.

If Share is executed without assigning a component in the Components tab, the active map is selected as content. The same applies to the preview functionality.

Layer names must not contain characters reserved for URL or XML. If special characters appear in the layer name, they must be changed, because no map display or component can be released in this way.
This includes all brackets, inverted commas, &, <, >, ?, @, =, +, $, ~, ^, `, #, %, *, /, \, semicolon, and colons.

4.Define components. Here the components available in the Portal for ArcGIS can be selected and defined as content of the map display. The components can be inserted into the content of the map display using the context menu, the arrow keys or simply by dragging and dropping. The individual components can also be viewed in a separate map area via the context menu. The order of the components in the content of the map display corresponds to the character order of the resulting map (from top to bottom).

5.Once the content of the map display has been defined, it can be previewed using the Preview functionality. The system switches to the Preview tab. Click Preview to show the map in the Preview area. A section can be selected in the preview window, which can then be refreshed via the Refresh button to set it as a thumbnail.

6.Analyze map display. The button Analysis in the footer causes the current content to be checked. If warnings or errors are found, the system jumps to the Messages tab. The map display can be shared with warnings. Errors prevent the share.
The analysis includes the following:

Verifies that all referenced components are shared for the users for whom the map display is also shared. A warning is issued if users, who are allowed to use the map display, are not allowed to see one or more of its components. When such a user loads the map display, the components that are not shared for him are skipped and not displayed.

If the map display does not reference any components at all, a warning is issued. When the user shares the map display, the entire content of the active map is saved as a component with the same name and linked to the map display.

7.Share the map display by clicking Publish. The map display is uploaded to the Portal for ArcGIS. You can abort the editing process at any time by clicking the Cancel button.

8.Superfluous maps. The maps that were created temporarily during the editing process can be deleted by clickingVSD_clip0001. The temporary maps with # are created from the maps in the Catalog pane.


The order of the layers in the map created from the map display corresponds to the order of the components of the map display. For this reason, it is recommended to consider the granularity and layer order in which the components are defined when creating them.

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