Context Menus

You can configure context-sensitive menus throughout the viewer interface. Context menus allow users to perform common tasks that relate to the selected viewer element. For example, right-clicking or long-pressing on the map activates the map context menu. The map context menu displays tasks that a user might want to perform at a location on the map, like plotting a coordinate.

Context menus can appear in a number of circumstances. For example, users can access context menus when they:

Map context menu in the desktop interface (left) and handheld interface (right)

Types of Context Menu

The following context menus are configurable. The Context column describes how users open the context menu.



Additional Actions

Click the Additional Actions menu on the active tab in a Results Table. This is equivalent to the Panel Actions menu in a Results List.

Coordinate Actions

Click the More button next to any plotted coordinate when Plot Coordinates is the active panel.

Coordinates List Actions

Open the Panel Actions menu when Plot Coordinates is the active panel.

Feature Actions

Open the Panel Actions menu when a feature is active in the navigation panel.

Open the Feature Actions menu on individual features in a Results List or Results Table.

Global Menu

Open the I Want To Menu. The Global Menu appears as four icons across the top of the open menu.

The default menu items included are for Sign In or Sign Out, Open Project, Save Project, and Save Project As.

The Global Menu is designed to hold a maximum of four items. Users are discouraged from configuring the menu in a manner that allows for more than four items to be visible at the same time.

Layer Actions

Open the Actions menu next to a layer when Layers is the active panel.

Layer List Actions

Open the Panel Actions menu when Layers is the active panel.

Legend Actions

Open the Panel Actions menu when Legend is the active panel.

To show the Legend panel, open the Layers panel, open the Panel Actions menu and select Show Legend. For more information, see Legend Module.

Map Context Menu

Right-click or long-press any point on the map.

The Map Context Menu has additional features that you can enable or disable. For more information see Additional Settings for the Map Context Menu.

Map Service Actions

Open the Actions menu next to a map service when Layers is the active panel.

Map Tip Actions

Appear as a list of links on the active map tip.

Project Actions

Open the Actions menu next to a project when Projects is the active panel.

Projects List Actions

Open the Panel Actions menu when Projects is the active panel.

Results Actions

Open the Results Actions menu for a feature set collection.

Results List Actions

Open the Panel Actions menu when the Results List is the active panel.

Results Table Actions

Open the Panel Actions menu when the Results Table is activated.

Selection Actions

When the Results List is the active panel or the Results Table is activated, open the Panel Actions menu and select the Combine Results item. The Combine Results item activates the Selection Actions menus.

See Selection Module for more information about selections.

For further information about the configuration of context menus, see the description of the commandParameter in the IWantToMenu Module, Map Module, Menu Module, and Selection Module.

Open the Context Menus Page

To open an HTML5 viewer's Context Menus page in Manager:

  1. In Geocortex Essentials Manager, edit the viewer that you want to configure—edit the site that the viewer belongs to, click Viewers in the side panel, and then click the Edit icon beside the viewer.

  2. In Manager's side panel, click Context Menus.

Modify a Context Menu

To customize a particular context menu, open the Context Menus page and click the link for the type of context menu you want to customize. This opens the page for that type of context menu. Once you have opened the page:

Some menu items do not always appear in a context menu. For example, if a layer is not editable, then a feature's Panel Actions menu would not show the Edit Feature menu item. Similarly, some menu items appear only if the user has is signed in using an identity with the appropriate permissions.

Context Menu Item Settings

The Command and Command Parameter settings are not available when a menu item uses multiple commands via the batch property. In this case, those settings are hidden. You must edit batch commands directly in the Desktop.json.js, Tablet.json.js, and Handheld.json.js configuration files.

Context menu items have the following settings:

Additional Settings for the Map Context Menu

The Map Context Menu has additional settings that the other context menus do not have: