Activity Library
The Activity Library is a set of activities that you use to build workflows. The Activity Library shows in Essentials Workflow Designer's Activities panel, at the left side of Workflow Designer's interface. If you develop custom activities, they also appear in the Activities panel.
The activities in the Activity Library are organized into the following categories. Use the table of contents in the side panel to find specific activities.
Control Flow: Control Flow activities include basic ways to control the order in which activities execute. For example the Sequence activity provides a container to execute steps in order. Other Control Flow activities include common branching logic such as the If and Switch activities. The Control Flow activities also include looping logic based on data (ForEach) and Conditions (While).
Flowchart: The Flowchart section of the Activities panel contains Microsoft-provided activities that present the workflow as a connected flow diagram with decisions and branching.
Common Client: Common Client activities are those that would be used most frequently for client activities like sending users alerts, capturing a geometry, running a report, or displaying forms to collect user input. These activities are supported by the Geocortex Essential client APIs.
Common Server: Common Server activities are those that would be used most frequently for server activities like invoking methods, reading or writing a file, or getting the current user.
Common Viewer: Common Viewer activities are those that would be used most frequently for Viewer-related activities like selecting features, listening for events, or running external commands. The level of support for these activities may vary depending on the technology used.
ArcGIS Server: ArcGIS Server activities are ArcGIS specific and include geocoding and reverse geocoding, buffering, querying, unioning, and routing tasks.
ArcGIS Server (Attachments): ArcGIS Server Attachment activities make it possible to integrate add, delete, or query attachments in workflows.
ArcGIS Server (Editing): ArcGIS Editing activities make it possible to add, delete, or update features in a workflow.
FeatureSet: FeatureSet activities make it possible to work with
objects that represent spatial data in an ArcGIS Server application. -
Geometry: Geometry activities make it possible to work with geometries in a workflow, for example, to get a geometry or getting the extent of a feature set.
Linear Referencing: Linear Referencing activities make it possible to extract line or point data from the map as part of a workflow.
Database: Database activities make it possible to communicate directly with a database in a workflow. For example, you can execute a SQL SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE command from the workflow.
DataTable: DataTable activities make it possible to work with and manipulate
objects that represent tabular/relational data. -
Geocortex Optimizer: Geocortex Optimizer activities provide the ability to interact with Geocortex Optimizer.
Compression: Compression activities provide capabilities related to zip archives.
JSON: JSON activities provide capabilities related to JSON documents.
PDF: PDF activities make it possible to create or manipulate PDF documents.
Bitly: Bitly activities perform operations using Bitly web services.
Twilio: Twilio activities allow you to send text messages using Twilio web services. Twilio web services require authentication and are billed based on usage.
Collections: Collections activities allow you to create collections, add or clear items from a collections, or create lists.
Dictionaries: Dictionary activities make it possible to create or add to a dictionary within workflows.
Error Handling: Error Handling activities make it possible to control what happens when errors occur in a workflow.
Debugging: Debugging activities help to debug workflows by writing text messages to log files or the console.
Scripting: Scripting activities provide the ability to run scripts or code.
Modeling: Modeling activities are used to model the transfer of data between servers and clients. They are also used as visual placeholders for activities that have not been implemented yet.
Conversion: Conversion activities enable the conversion of various objects from one data type to another.
Obsolete: Obsolete activities have been replaced by activities that are improved or expanded.