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The Query Builder component provides a standalone interface for your user to search map layers by entering logical conditions.

You can add a Query Builder component anywhere in your layout and then connect it to a toolbar or button for the user to invoke.

Configuring the Query Builder is the first step to create a one-click, predefined query.

The figure below shows the Condition Definer you use to build your query.


The table below describes the fields in the Query Builder.



Data Source

Lists the available map layers that the user can search.

Map Area

Specifies whether to search the whole map or limit the search to the visible map area.

Advanced Mode

Allows the user to enter their own search criteria using SQL syntax, rather than by adding conditions. 

Find results where

Allows the user to specify whether the query returns results that match all of the condition(s) or any part of the condition(s).

Add Condition

Adds another row of fields to create a condition.


Removes all existing conditions. 


Starts the search for data that matches the specified conditions.

Create a One-Click Query

A one-click query enables users to retrieve results with a single click. You set the query conditions and parameters in advance, so your user does not need to input them manually. This simplifies the query process, making it faster and more efficient for your users.

To create a one-click query:

1.Add the Query Builder component to your layout.

2.Open the Query Builder and use the Condition Definer to set the conditions of your query.

3.Enable Advanced Mode.

4.Copy the generated SQL syntax displayed in the text field.

5.Add a component to serve as the trigger for your predefined query (for example, a Button).

 You can nest this component within another component, if needed.

6.Navigate to the Command section in the component and select the Workflows tab.

7.Select Create a New Workflow.

8.Choose Menu - Quick Query from Select a Workflow Template.

9.Assign a Workflow Title, specify the Feature Source (the layer, sublayer, or table to query), and paste the SQL syntax you copied in Step 4 into the Query WHERE Clause field.

10.Click Create.

 The component (in our example, the Button) appears in the layout. When your user clicks the button, it automatically runs the preconfigured query.

You can enable the Can be Toggled setting in the Query Builder component and set a command for the toggled state. For example, if you set the Clear Results command for the toggled state, the query resets when it is toggled off.

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