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The Result Details component is related to the Results List, Results Table, and Results Summary components. It provides the most detailed view of a result when the user performs an Identify, Search, or Workflow operation.

The figures below define the elements of a configured Result Details component.




1.Navigate and filter pages of results.

2.Web map pop-up configured "Title".

3.Feature actions for Result Details (all layers).

4.Web map Summary Popup Content configured "Text".

5.Web map Summary Popup Content configured "Fields".

6.Web map Summary Popup Content configured "Media".



7.External links specific to a Layer Extension. These support search/replace tokens, which include coordinates and feature attributes.


8.File attachments stored on a feature (when enabled and present).


9.Related Records come from multiple places, including the following:

Related spatial features configured in the Esri map service.

Related non-spatial tables configured in the Esri map service.

One-to-many Data Links configured in a Layer Extension.

Studio Web relies on the web map configuration to know what to include in your app. This means that if you have a spatial layer that has a related non-spatial table, you must add that table to your web map if you want Web to be aware of it. See Map for more information.

Main Settings




Type a title to display for the component. This title is used both in Web and Designer.


To select an icon to represent the component, click Select Icon, click the desired icon, and click OK. To remove the icon, click Clear Icon.

Feature Actions

The Feature Actions menu items for the Result Details are also linked to the Results List and Results Table. If you add, edit, or remove a menu item in one, it affects the others.

Feature actions set at this level are available for all features, unlike setting feature actions on a particular layer within Map settings.




Type a title for this menu item as it will appear in the Result Details, Results List, and Results Table panels.


Enter an explanation of what this menu item does. If you do not want a description of the menu item, leave it blank.


To select an icon to represent this menu item, click Select Icon, click the desired icon, and click OK. To remove the icon, click Clear Icon.


The command to run when a user clicks the menu item. A command is an action the app should perform.

Hide when Disabled

When enabled, hides the menu item when the command cannot be executed.

Can be Toggled

When enabled, you can configure the menu item to toggle between a Default state and an Alternate state. You configure the icon, text, and behavior of the menu item for each state. 

Visible To

Determines which users and groups can access this component. If no users or groups are specified, all users can access this component by default.

The Hidden From setting overrides this setting.

Hidden From

Determines which users and groups are explicitly forbidden to access this component.

This setting overrides the Visible To setting.


The command to run when a result is added to the Result Details panel, for example, from a search or identify operation. A command is an action the app should perform.

Some commands have additional settings you can configure.



Result Added

The command to run when a result is added to the Result Details panel, for example, from a search or identify operation. 

Result Edited

The command to execute when the user clicks the Edit button, which you must enable in Editing.

Result Removed

The command to run when a result is removed from the Result Details panel, for example, when the user clicks Remove Result(s)

Related Record Clicked

The command to run when the user clicks a related record.

Result Shown

The command to run when a result in the Result Details panel becomes the actively displayed result. 

Result Hidden

The command to run when a result in the Result Details panel no longer becomes the actively displayed result because the user views the previous or next result. 




Allow Editing

The Allow Editing setting determines whether the user can modify the supported results directly from the Result Details component.

When enabled, this adds an Edit button to the bottom of the user's Result Details views.

Changing the editing behavior for all features is done via Result Edited.

Allow Deletion

The Allow Deletion setting determines whether the user can permanently delete the supported results directly from their Result Details.

When enabled, this adds a Delete button to the bottom of the user's Result Details views.

Visibility Filters



Visible To

Determines which users and groups can access this component. If no users or groups are specified, all users can access this component by default.

The Hidden From setting overrides this setting.

Hidden From

Determines which users and groups are explicitly forbidden to access this component.

 This setting overrides the Visible To setting.




Margin (px)

The margin space around the component in pixels.

Initially Hidden

Specifies whether or not the component is initially hidden when the app loads. If selected, the component remains hidden unless activated, for example, by the Show command.

Button Style

The style of the button. Choose either Rounded or Square. 

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