Date Picker Form Element

The Date Picker form element allows the user to select a date using a calendar.

To use a Date Picker, the user clicks the left arrow or right arrow to change the month and year, and then selects the date in the calendar (). Alternatively, the user can type a date directly into the box. To close the calendar, the user either clicks the calendar's Close button or clicks outside the calendar (). To re-open the calendar, the user clicks in the date box.

Example of the Date Picker form element, shown in a viewer

See also...

Date Time Picker Form Element

Date Picker Properties

The Properties table describes the properties of the Date Picker form element.

The type of a property defines what types of values the property can have. Many properties are type string, which means that the property's value is text. Boolean properties can be true or false. Some properties have more than one possible type.

Property names in Workflow Designer's Properties panel are written using the capitalization and spacing of a title. Property names in expressions are valid JavaScript identifiers and start with a lower case letter.

In the table below:

Expressions are case sensitive. When you access a form element property in an expression, you must use the correct capitalization.

Properties of the Date Picker Form Element

Accessible Description

Type: String

Name in Properties Panel: Accessible Description

Name to Use in Expressions: accessibleDescription

An accessible version of the description of the element. The accesible description is not visible on the page; it is hidden.

You can use the Accessible Description property to provide a description that can be used by assistive technologies, such as screen readers.


Type: String

Name in Properties Panel: Description

Name to Use in Expressions: description

A description of the element. The description appears below the element's title.

You can use the Description property to describe what the element represents or to provide instructions to the user about how to use the element.

You can format the description using Markdown.

Element ID

Type: String

The element's ID, which is used in other form elements and activities to access the element's properties, including the user's input. The ID must be unique across all elements in the form.

You cannot set the value of the Element ID property in an expression—you can only use the value that you configured for it. To use the Element ID property in an expression:

${Display Form ID}.state.{Element ID}.{property name}

For example:



Type: Boolean

Name in Properties Panel: Enabled

Name to Use in Expressions: enabled

Indicates whether the Date Picker element is enabled in the running workflow. When a Date Picker element is enabled, the user can select a date. When a Date Picker element is disabled, the user can see the Date Picker element, but cannot interact with it. Disabled elements appear dimmed or shaded in the running workflow.

By default, Date Picker elements are enabled. To disable a Date Picker element, clear the Enabled checkbox. You may want to change the property's value at run time depending on the user's input in a previous form element.

To access the enabled property in an expression:

${Display Form ID}.state.{Element ID}.enabled

For example:



Type: String | MarkdownRef

Indicates whether an error occurred in the element.

We recommend using the Set Form Element Error and Clear Form Element Error activities to work with errors in form elements.


Type: Boolean

Name in Properties Panel: Required

Name to Use in Expressions: require

The Required checkbox is intended as a quick way to do simple validation without having to add a validate event. When you add a validate event, the Required check is not performed even if the checkbox is selected. To force the Required check to be performed when a validate event is configured, add a Propagate Form Event activity anywhere within the event's subworkflow.

Indicates whether the user must select a date in the Date Picker. When the Date Picker element is required, the user cannot submit the form until a date appears in the date box. .

By default, Date Picker elements are not required. To require a Date Picker , select the Required checkbox.

To access the require property in an expression:

${Display Form ID}.state.{Element ID}.require

For example:



Type: String

Indicates the name of the style that will be applied to the element.

To access the styleName property in an expression:

${Display Form ID}.state.{Element ID}.styleName

For example:



Type: String

Name in Properties Panel: Title

Name to Use in Expressions: title

The element's title, which appears at the top of the element. You may want to change the title to describe what the element represents in your workflow.

You can format the title using Markdown.

Title Location

Type: String

Name in Properties Panel: Title Location

Name to Use in Expressions: titleLocation

Specifies whether the element's title appears above (default) or beside the element.

The value must be either "above" or "beside".


Type: String

Name in Properties Panel: Tooltip

Name to Use in Expressions: tooltip

A message that displays when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the Date Picker. You may want to use the tooltip to provide help to the user.


Type: String

The variety of form element. Date Picker elements are type "DatePicker".

Use the type property to find out the variety of a form element in a form with many elements. Loop through ${Display Form ID}.state, comparing each element to the known form types and performing some action on the elements that meet your type criteria.

To access the type property in an expression:

${Display Form ID}.state.{Element ID}.type

For example:



Type: DateTimeRef

An object of type DateTimeRef that represents the currently selected date. The object has a value property that is the date value.

To access the value in an expression:

${Display Form ID}.state.{Element ID}.value.value

For example:



Type: Boolean

Name in Properties Panel: Visible

Name to Use in Expressions: visible

Indicates whether the element is visible to the user. By default, Date Picker elements are visible. If you want to hide the element, clear the Visible checkbox. You may want to change the visibility at run time depending on the user's input in a previous form element.

To access the visible property in an expression:

${Display Form ID}.state.{Element ID}.visible

For example:


Date Picker Events

The following table describes the events associated with the Date Picker form element. As in Workflow Designer, the events are listed in the order that they fire.

Events for the Date Picker Form Element


The load event fires when the element finishes loading.

You can use the load event to set one or more of the element's properties at run time. For example, you could set the element's initial value.


The change event fires when the user selects a date.

You can use the change event to create dependencies between form elements. For example, you could configure a change subworkflow that enables or disables other form elements depending on the user's selection.

The change event fires every time the user's selection changes. This means that the change subworkflow can run multiple times. Because of this, you should make sure that the change subworkflow is not computationally intensive or long running.

The details of the change event do not show in VertiGIS Studio Mobile.


The validate event fires when the user clicks a button that causes validation.

You can use the validate event to verify that the user's input is valid before allowing the form to submit. If the input is not valid, use the Set Form Element Error activity to display an error to the user and prevent the form from submitting. If the input is valid, use the Clear Form Element Error activity to clear an existing error and allow the form to submit.

If you use a Set Form Element Error activity, make sure you also use a Clear Form Element Error activity to clear the error. Otherwise, the form may get stuck in an invalid state.

By default, the Required property does not work when the Date Picker has a validate event. If you want the workflow to perform the Required check, add a Propagate Form Event activity to the validate subworkflow. The Propagate Form Event activity instructs the workflow to perform the Required check after the validate subworkflow completes.

For an example, see Example - Subworkflow for a Validate Event.