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Custom Development

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You can extend VertiGIS Studio Workflow by developing custom activities and form elements. Check out the VertiGIS Studio Developer Center to learn more.

Workflows that Run in a Web Application

Custom activities and form elements that run in a web application are developed in TypeScript. Learn more about the VertiGIS Studio Workflow Typescript SDK in the Developer Center.

See Custom Form Elements for information about configuring custom form elements in Workflow Designer.

Workflows that Run on the Server

Custom activities that run on the server are developed in .NET. Learn more about developing custom .NET server activities in the Developer Center.

For more information about server activities, see Server Workflows.

Workflows that Run in VertiGIS Studio Mobile

Custom activities and form elements that run in VertiGIS Studio Mobile are developed in .NET. Learn more about developing custom activities and form elements for VertiGIS Studio Mobile in the Developer Center.

Running custom activities in a VertiGIS Studio Mobile app requires a custom build of VertiGIS Studio Mobile. Contact your Account Manager for information.

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