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The tables below list the errors (validation-error), warnings (validation-warning), and information (validation-information) messages that can appear in the Validation panel.


Error Message *


The activity reference [reference] is invalid.

The expression to access an activity is invalid. For example, the activity's ID could be wrong.

Example: The configured expression is =$form2.state.TextBox3.value, but there is no activity with ID $form2 in the workflow.

The expression contains a syntax error.

The expression to configure one of the activity's inputs contains a syntax error, possibly an error typing in the expression.

Example: The configured expression is ='Street name + $form1.state.TextBox1.value + ' not found', which is missing a single quote after "Street name".

This input cannot be an expression.

The input must be a literal. This is a security measure to prevent the use of unsafe content entered by the user. Enter the exact value of the input, without an equals sign (=) at the beginning. For a text input, enter the text without quotation marks.

A required input is missing.

An input that is marked as "required" in Workflow Designer is not configured.

The type [type name] is not valid for this input.


The type of this value is not valid for this input.

The wrong type of input is configured. For example, the input is configured with an expression that evaluates to a string, but the input should be a number. To find out the valid types for an input, hover your mouse over the input's help icon help in Workflow Designer.

VertiGIS Studio Workflow custom data types are documented in Data Types.

The text item reference [text item ID] is invalid.

An input is configured to use a translation text item, but the text item does not exist on the Translations panel.

Example 1: The input is configured as @alert-text, but there is no text item with ID "alert-text" on the Translations panel.

Example 2: The input is configured as =strings["message1"], but there is no text item with ID "message1" on the Translations panel.

The activity name reference [reference] is invalid.

The expression to access an activity name is invalid. For example, the activity's ID could be wrong.

Example: The input is configured as =activities.subworkflow1, but there is no activity with ID $subworkflow1 in the workflow.

The activity was created using a deprecated version of the Workflow SDK. Activity Packs created using the Workflow SDK v1 are not supported in Web 5.25 and later.

The activity is a custom activity that was created using a version of the Workflow SDK that is no longer supported. The author of the custom activity must create a new version using a more recent version of the Workflow SDK. For more information, refer to Migrating from the Legacy SDK.

The form element reference [element name] in [form name] is invalid.

The expression to access a form element is invalid. For example, the form element's ID could be wrong.

Example: The input is configured as =$form1.state.textBox1, but there is no form element with ID textBox1 in $form1 in the workflow.

*  Message content between square brackets is supplied at run time.

Warnings and Information Messages

Warning or validation-information information Message *


This activity is deprecated. [additional information]


This input is deprecated. [additional information]

The activity or input has been replaced by a better way to do the same thing in VertiGIS Studio Workflow. We strongly recommend using the new, improved method. For information on the new method, refer to the activity's documentation.

The activity is not compatible with the workflow's deployment configuration.


The activity may not be compatible with the workflow's deployment configuration.


The activity will not work in VertiGIS Studio Mobile while disconnected from the network.

The activity does not work in one of your chosen client environments. Although the Toolbox filters out activities that are not supported in your chosen environments so you can't add them, this problem can occur if you add the activity and then modify the deployment.

Example 1: The configuration on the Deployment panel indicates that the workflow will run in Web AppBuilder only, but the workflow contains a Run Operation activity, which does not work in Web AppBuilder.

Example 2: The configuration on the Deployment panel does not specify any target applications, but the workflow contains a Run Operation activity, which does not work everywhere.

For information on the activity’s connectivity requirements, refer to the Connectivity Requirements section in the activity's documentation.

Example 3: You are using an activity that requires network connectivity in a workflow that will run in VertiGIS Studio Mobile. VertiGIS Studio Mobile is intended for use in situations where network connectivity may be intermittent or absent.

The input is not compatible with the workflow's deployment configuration.


The input may not be compatible with the workflow's deployment configuration.

The input does not work in one of your chosen client environments.

Example 1: The configuration on the Deployment panel indicates that the workflow will run in VertiGIS Studio Mobile, but the workflow contains a Get Coded Value Domain activity with the Timeout input configured. VertiGIS Studio Mobile does not support Timeout.

Example 2: The configuration on the Deployment panel does not specify any target applications, but the workflow contains a Get Coded Value Domain activity with the Timeout input configured, which does not work everywhere.

The form element is not compatible with the workflow's deployment configuration.


The form element may not be compatible with the workflow's deployment configuration.

The form element does not work in one of your chosen client environments.

Example 1: The configuration on the Deployment panel indicates that the workflow will run in Geocortex Viewer for HTML5, but the workflow contains a Signature element.

Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 does not support this form element.

Example 2: The configuration on the Deployment panel does not specify any target applications,but the workflow contains a Signature element, which does not work everywhere.

The activity is not compatible with the type of workflow.

Either a client-only activity is being used in a server workflow or a server-only activity is being used in a client workflow. This can happen if you change the type of workflow after adding the activity.

Example 1: The workflow is a client workflow, but it contains a Create Download activity, which only works in server workflows.

Example 2: The workflow is a server workflow, but it contains a Display Form activity, which only works in client workflows.

The activity with action [action] could not be found.

Workflow Designer either could not find or failed to load the activity with the specified action. This warning usually occurs with custom activities.

Example: The action for the custom activity is defined as MyCustomActivity but you are trying to use MyActivity, which doesn't exist.

The main workflow contains more than [maximum allowable] activities. Consider grouping related activities in Container activities.


The subworkflow of the [activity name] activity contains more than [maximum allowable] activities. Consider grouping related activities in Container activities.


The subworkflow of an activity of type [activity name] contains more than [maximum allowable] activities. Consider grouping related activities in Container activities.


The [subworkflow name] subworkflow contains more than [maximum allowable] activities. Consider grouping related activities in Container activities.

The main workflow or a subworkflow contains too many activities. VertiGIS Studio Workflow imposes a limit on the number of activities that a workflow or subworkflow can contain. To fix this problem, add a Container activity and move some of the activities to it. The Container activity only counts as one activity, even though it contains many activities. Add multiple Container activities if necessary.

Example 1: The main workflow contains too many activities.

Example 2: The workflow contains a For Each activity with too many activities in its subworkflow.

Example 3: The workflow contains a Display Form activity with a load event on the Header element and the load subworkflow contains too many activities.

*  Message content between square brackets is supplied at run time.

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