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Navigation: Interface > Projects > Map Display Manager

Search Map Displays

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Use the following tools to organize, filter, and search the map displays:




My Content, My Organization, Public
Only the map display on the portal are searched for, with the appropriate sharing level.


Collapse categories
To gain a better overview, the grouping can be collapsed. A group can then be selected and expanded.


Categorize current view
Different categorizations can be selected via different property combinations. The map displays are shown grouped accordingly.


Filter portal items
It is possible to define which criteria are taken into account for a search (date, sharing level, tags). Only the map displays that match these filter criteria will be fetched and displayed by the portal 

Pagination: Not all available map displays are always completely loaded from the portal. Loading takes place in definable packages. This number can be defined via the pagination count. The value is stored user-specifically. It is therefore effective for subsequent calls.


Now a map display can be selected and loaded as a map. It is also possible to edit, delete or query the Properties of existing map display configurations.

New map displays can also be created at this point.

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